10 February 2025, Monday

Formula 1 2026: First Look at the Realistic Base Model Render from AutoRacer


Autoracer.it has released the first rendering of the 2026 F1 regulations.

Formula 1 will switch to completely new regulations starting in 2026. The 2026 F1 season will feature significant changes to both the aerodynamics and the engine. This change is thought to be the biggest in the last 60 years.

The FIA ​​has recently released the latest update to the draft technical regulations that engineers will need to work on for the 2026 season.

Following the mandatory 9-day factory closure, teams began working on new aerodynamic concepts from January 2. Work on 2026 F1 cars was prohibited prior to 2025.

First Render of the 2026 Model

AutoRacer.it has teamed up with “Qvist design” to present the first render of the 2026 base model. According to the information obtained, this image reflects a design that is quite faithful to the base model. From here on, the development paths will be very diverse, so the final result at the end of the year may be different in terms of aerodynamics. However, it is important to clearly define the macro concepts here.

At first glance, the size difference is noticeable, but it will not be huge. The ability to reduce weight to minimum requirements is one of the biggest concerns. Visually, the dimensions seem to be more in line with an F1 car. In particular, the front wing is no longer full-width and the narrower tires improve the visual effect. At the same time, the flow around the front wing edge plate and the turbulence from the front tire are completely changed.

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