10 February 2025, Monday

Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari’s first post became the most liked content on Instagram in F1 history!


The first content Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari shared together became the most-liked F1-themed content on Instagram.

Hamilton’s first post with Ferrari was a matter of great curiosity. Although Hamilton will be a Ferrari driver by 2025, the first image as a Ferrari driver came on Monday, January 20.

It was leaked to the press that Hamilton, who went to Maranello early in the morning, entered the Ferrari headquarters, but that image was not very clear.

Shortly after, Hamilton shared a photo of himself in front of Enzo Ferrari’s white house with a Ferrari F40. Ferrari and Hamilton shared this photo together.

This photo became the most-liked F1-themed content on Instagram with approximately 5.3 million likes (5,298,217 at the time of writing this news) in two days.

Before Hamilton’s Ferrari post, this record belonged to Ferrari’s other driver, Charles Leclerc, who received 4.6 million likes for his 2024 Monza podium.

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