7 January 2025, Tuesday


FIA denies Ferrari F1 exemption similar to Audi

FIA, Audi için yapılan maliyet sınırı muafiyetine karşı Ferrari’ye benzer bir ayrıcalık tanınmayacağını belirtti.

Ferrari plans second test for Hamilton at Barcelona

Lewis Hamilton will test drive Ferrari early, it was revealed a few days ago. Now, details of these tests have been revealed.

Hamilton’s race engineer at Ferrari will be Riccardo Adami

Lewis Hamilton'ın Ferrari'deki yarış mühendisi Riccardo Adami olarak belirlendi. Adami, daha önce Carlos Sainz ve dört kez dünya şampiyonu Sebastian Vettel'in yarış mühendisi olarak görev yapmıştı.

Lewis Hamilton changed his profile picture with red helmet – Ferrari responded as “Welcome to the family”

Ferrari driver Lewis Hamilton kicked off the new year by making his first posts for his new team on his social media accounts.

Lewis Hamilton has officially become a Ferrari driver as of January 1!

As of Wednesday, January 1, 2025, Lewis Hamilton has officially become a Ferrari driver. Hamilton, who began racing with Mercedes in 2013, saw his contract come to an end as of last night. Hamilton will now be referred to as Ferrari driver Lewis Hamilton.